You have been encouraged by our last session and have done what we suggest: move in any direction. You have done just that. You have allowed your creative side to emerge. You won’t be disappointed. Just the enrollment in the class has sparked your creativity. Ideas are popping into your mind’s eye. You know that to be true.
Your spiritual work will benefit from such creativity as spirit flows through this part of your mind. The expansion is on going. You will notice this over the years as it becomes more in-tuned.
Multiple opportunities come into play. Your desire to make a difference on so may levels is apparent as you plan out your next project. The more you do, the more that comes your way. You control what happens in this aspect. You don’t have to take every opportunity that comes along. That is up to you.
2013 is a new era that allows the energies of your work to flourish. Work of your kind will expand rapidly. There is much interest and excitement surrounding the spirit world. Many want to hear how they can be a part of this new alignment between our worlds. All have access, but not all will utilize. The younger generations are all open and will be routine or normal part of their life if they choose. It’s your generation and older that need your assistance. You all will assist the children who’s parents are not guided.
There is much to be done. Jot down your ideas as they come to you. There will be many opportunities. As we have said to you, the more you do, the more that comes.
Keep moving as the momentum is soon to pick up and you will have your hands full no doubt. We assure you that will love the new space you are in. Keep moving.
Weekly Channel-Sparked Creativity